10 Steps on How to Conduct a Competitor Price Tracking

Discover the top 10 steps to track your competitors' prices and stay competitive in the market. A price tracking tool helps adjust your pricing strategy.

10 Steps on How to Conduct a Competitor Price Tracking
v0 Report helps business owners and professionals discuss competitor pricing strategies.

Staying ahead in the market means closely monitoring your competitors, especially their pricing strategies.

Many businesses, particularly in the B2B sector, find it challenging to maintain a competitive edge due to the lack of transparency in competitor prices. Without historical price data, companies often end up guessing rather than strategizing, missing out on profitability opportunities.

"Implementing a systematic approach to competitor price tracking empowers businesses to stay competitive, adjust strategies in real-time, and ultimately drive better profitability and market positioning." - Keiron Mckenna, Software Enginneer at Opinly AI and v0 Report

Competitor price monitoring involves more than just comparing your prices to those of your competitors. It includes analyzing your products across different countries and finding suitable alternatives that meet customer demands. By conducting a competitor product analysis, you can identify alternatives that cater to various regions, thereby increasing your market share.

Price-conscious customers will look for more economical options, while value-oriented customers seek advanced alternatives that save time and require less effort to use. Additionally, it involves distributing profits evenly among your channel partners for effective distribution.

In this blog, we will explore strategic approaches to monitoring competitor prices.

What is a Competitor Price Tracking Tool?

comparing competitor prices with a competitor price tracking tool

A competitor price tracking tool is a software application that automatically monitors and analyzes the prices of products and services offered by your competitors. 

One of the benefits of price tracking software is that it provides real-time updates, comprehensive data collection, and valuable insights to help businesses adjust their pricing strategies, stay competitive, and make informed decisions using top price monitoring tools.

10 Ways to Conduct a Competitor Price Tracking

competitor price helps to analyze strategic planning sessions.

Step 1: Identify Key Competitors

Start by identifying your main competitors and analyzing their pricing tools. These are the businesses that sell similar products or services and target the same customer base.

Monitoring your competitors helps you understand their strengths and weaknesses, which in turn allows you to refine your strategies and improve your market position.

Here's how you can identify key competitors effectively:

  • Understand Your Market: Begin by defining the market you're operating in. Know your industry, the products or services you offer, and the primary needs of your target audience.

  • Research Competitors: Use search engines, industry reports, and social media to find businesses that are offering similar products or services, and evaluate their price and stock levels. Look for those with a significant online presence and customer base.

  • List Your Competitors: Make a comprehensive list of at least 5-10 key competitors. This list should include both direct competitors (those offering the same product or service) and indirect competitors (those offering substitute products or services), evaluated through a price tracker.

  • Analyze Their Strategies: Examine their websites, marketing strategies, customer reviews, social media presence, and use of price intelligence tools. Pay attention to their product offerings, pricing, promotions, and customer service.

Step 2: Choose Products to Track

After identifying your competitors, the next step is to decide which products or services to track. This price monitoring software can help focus on specific items that will provide the most valuable data for your pricing strategy and competitive analysis.

Here’s how to choose the right products to track:

  • Identify Top-Selling Items: Start by listing your best-selling products or services. These are the items that generate the most revenue and have the highest demand among your customers. Tracking these will help you understand how competitive your pricing is and where you stand in the market.

  • Focus on Direct Comparisons: Choose products that are directly comparable to what your competitors are offering. These are items that customers can easily compare based on features, quality, and price. Tracking with an automated price monitoring tool will give you insights into your competitors’ pricing and how your pricing matches up against your competitors.

  • Consider Strategic Importance: Include products that are strategically important to your business, even if they aren’t the top sellers. This could be new products you’re trying to promote, items with high-profit margins, or products that are central to your brand identity.

  • Analyze Customer Preferences: Look at customer reviews and feedback to determine which products are most important to your audience. Tracking these items will help you stay aligned with customer needs and expectations.

Step 3: Set Your Tracking Frequency

Deciding how often to check your competitors' prices is crucial for staying competitive. Depending on your industry, this could vary from daily to monthly. Regular tracking with an online price monitoring tool allows you to stay informed about market trends and price fluctuations.

Here’s how to set the right automated competitor tracking frequency:

  • Understand Your Industry Dynamics: Different industries have different paces of change. For fast-paced industries like technology or fashion, daily or weekly tracking might be necessary. For more stable industries, monthly tracking could be sufficient.
  • Analyze Market Volatility: If your market experiences frequent price changes or seasonal variations, you’ll need to track prices more often. Regular updates will help you respond quickly to market shifts and adjust your pricing strategy accordingly.

  • Consider Your Product Lifecycle: Products in the early or late stages of their lifecycle might require more frequent monitoring. For new products, frequent tracking helps you gauge initial market reception and competitor response. For older products, it helps you manage end-of-life pricing strategies.

  • Evaluate Resource Availability: Determine the resources you have available for tracking, including whether you can afford a free trial of top price monitoring tools. Daily tracking requires more time and effort, so ensure you have the tools and personnel to handle it effectively, possibly using one of the top 6 tools for competitor price tracking.

  • Set a Consistent Schedule: Whatever frequency you choose, make sure to track prices consistently. Competitors update their pricing tools to help you build a comprehensive understanding of market trends and make timely adjustments to your pricing monitoring process.
competitor monitoring tool for price tracking

Step 4: Use Price Tracking Tools

Using competitor price monitoring tools available in the market can greatly simplify the process of monitoring competitor prices. Price tracking tools can automatically track pricing comparison data and report competitive monitoring prices, saving you time and effort.

Here’s how to effectively use price tracking tools:

Choose the Right Tool: There are several price tracking tools on the market, each with different features. Some popular options include:

  • Opinly AI: Widely regarded as the best price tracking tool, Opinly AI uses advanced comprehensive pricing artificial intelligence to provide highly accurate and insightful price tracking. Its user-friendly interface and powerful features of a dynamic pricing rules that make it a top choice for businesses of all sizes.
  • Prisync: Provides real-time price tracking and competitor analysis, making it great for dynamic pricing strategies.
  • Minderest: Known for its advanced analytics, helping businesses understand market trends and optimize their pricing strategies.

Set Up Your Monitoring Criteria: Once you've selected a tool, configure it to track the specific products or services you’re interested in. Input the URLs of your competitors’ product pages and set the parameters to automate price adjustments of your competitors, such as the frequency of price checks and the types of alerts you want to receive.

Automate Data Collection: These tools automatically gather data from your competitors’ websites, providing you with up-to-date pricing information. This automation reduces the need for manual monitoring and minimizes the risk of human error.

Step 5: Gather Data Manually

While automated tools are incredibly useful, it’s also important to manually check competitor websites, marketplaces, and price comparison sites. This extra step ensures you capture any data that automated systems might miss.

Here’s how to effectively gather data manually:

  • Visit Competitor Websites: Regularly visit your competitors’ websites to observe any changes in pricing, promotions, or product offerings. Take note of special deals, discounts, and seasonal promotions that could impact your pricing strategy.

  • Check Marketplaces: Explore popular online marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, and Etsy. These platforms often feature multiple sellers, providing a broader view of pricing trends. Pay attention to customer reviews and ratings, which can offer insights into product quality and customer satisfaction.

  • Use Price Comparison Sites: Utilize price comparison websites to see how your competitors’ prices stack up across different platforms. Sites like Google Shopping, PriceGrabber, and Shopzilla aggregate prices from various sources, giving you a comprehensive view of the market.

  • Document Your Findings: Keep a detailed record of your observations. Create a spreadsheet to log prices, promotions, and other relevant details. This will help you track changes over time and spot trends that could inform your pricing decisions.

Step 6: Analyze the Data

After collecting data from both automated tools and manual checks, the next crucial step is to analyze it. This analysis helps you understand pricing patterns, identify trends, and make informed decisions about your own pricing strategy.

Here’s how to effectively analyze the data:

  • Organize Your Data: Start by organizing the data you’ve collected. Use spreadsheets or specialized software to compile information from different sources. Categorize the data by product, competitor, date, and any other relevant criteria.

  • Identify Pricing Patterns: Look for recurring pricing patterns. Determine if competitors have consistent pricing strategies or if they frequently adjust their prices. Understanding these patterns can help you predict future price changes and stay ahead of the competition.

  • Detect Trends: Analyze the data for broader trends. Are there industry-wide price shifts? Are certain products experiencing price increases or decreases over time? Recognizing these trends can help you adapt your pricing strategy to align with market movements.

  • Examine Seasonal Changes: Pay attention to seasonal pricing changes. Many industries have peak seasons where prices fluctuate significantly. Identifying these periods allows you to adjust your prices accordingly and take advantage of high-demand times.

  • Assess Promotional Pricing: Review the data for any promotional pricing strategies used by your competitors. Note any patterns in discounts, sales events, or special offers. This information can help you develop your own promotional strategies to attract customers.
adjust your price with competitor analysis tool

Step 7: Adjust Your Prices

After analyzing the data, the next step is to adjust your prices to stay competitive. Adjusting your prices isn’t always about lowering them; sometimes, you can highlight your unique value to justify a higher price. The key is to align your pricing with market conditions and customer expectations.

Here’s how to effectively adjust your prices:

  • Review Your Analysis: Revisit the data analysis you conducted. Pay attention to the pricing patterns, trends, seasonal changes, and promotional strategies of your competitors. Use this information from price intelligence tools to inform your pricing adjustments.

  • Determine Your Pricing Goals: Decide what you want to achieve with your pricing strategy. Are you aiming to increase market share, maximize profits, or attract a specific customer segment? Your goals will guide your pricing adjustments.

  • Consider Value Perception: Assess how customers perceive the value of your products or services. If you offer unique features, superior quality, or excellent customer service, you can often justify higher prices. Highlight these unique selling points in your marketing to reinforce the value.

  • Evaluate Cost Factors: Take into account your costs, including production, distribution, and marketing expenses, as well as the insights from price intelligence. Ensure that your prices cover these costs and provide a reasonable profit margin. Adjust your prices if there have been changes in your cost structure.

  • Align with Market Conditions: Adjust your prices to reflect current market conditions. If the market is highly competitive, you might need to lower prices or offer promotions to attract customers by leveraging a pricing tool. In a less competitive market, you might have more flexibility to maintain or increase prices.

Step 8: Monitor Market Changes

Staying competitive in today's fast-paced business environment requires constant vigilance and adaptability. Monitoring market changes is crucial for maintaining an effective pricing strategy. Here are some key aspects to keep an eye on:

  • New Competitors: Keep track of new businesses entering your market. They can impact pricing dynamics by offering lower prices, unique products, or better services. Regularly analyze their offerings, pricing strategies, and market positioning to understand how they might influence your pricing decisions.

  • Economic Shifts: The economy plays a significant role in shaping market conditions. Economic shifts such as inflation, recession, or changes in consumer spending habits can impact your pricing strategy, making price intelligence a crucial aspect. Stay informed about economic trends and adjust your prices accordingly to ensure they reflect current market conditions and maintain your profitability.

  • Changes in Customer Demand: Customer preferences and demand can change over time due to various factors such as trends, seasons, and technological advancements. Regularly gather feedback from your customers, conduct surveys, and analyze sales data to identify shifts in demand. This will help you adjust your pricing strategy to meet the evolving needs and expectations of your customers.

Step 9: Review Your Strategy Regularly

It's important to regularly review your price tracking strategy to ensure it stays effective and aligns with your business goals. As your business and the market evolve, adjustments may be necessary to keep your strategy relevant and effective, assisted by price intelligence tools. Here's how to approach this process:

  • Evaluate Tracking Methods: Assess the methods you're currently using to track prices. Are they still providing accurate and timely data? Consider if there are new tools or technologies available that could enhance your tracking efficiency. Automation and advanced analytics tools might offer better insights and save you time.

  • Update Tools and Software: As new tools and software are developed, it’s wise to explore these options to see if they can offer improved functionality or more accurate data collection. Stay informed about the latest advancements in price tracking software and consider investing in updates or new solutions that better meet your needs.

  • Adjust Tracking Frequency: The frequency of your price checks should reflect the dynamics of your market. If your market is highly volatile, you might need to increase the frequency of your tracking to stay competitive. Conversely, in more stable markets, less frequent checks using price intelligence tools may suffice. Regularly reassess this aspect to ensure you’re neither overwhelmed with data nor missing critical changes.

Step 10: Communicate with Your Team

Effective communication with your team is crucial when implementing changes in your pricing strategy. Clear and consistent communication ensures that everyone understands the new pricing approach and can work together to achieve your competitive goals. Here are some steps to enhance team communication:

  • Hold Regular Meetings: Schedule regular meetings to discuss any changes in your pricing strategy. This helps keep everyone in the loop and provides an opportunity for team members to ask questions and share their insights. Make these meetings a part of your routine to ensure ongoing communication.

  • Provide Clear Documentation: Create detailed documents that outline the new pricing strategy, including the rationale behind the changes, the expected outcomes, and any specific actions required from each department. Distribute these documents to all relevant team members to ensure everyone has access to the same information.

  • Assign Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each team member in the context of the new pricing strategy. This ensures that everyone knows what is expected of them and how they contribute to the overall strategy. Assign specific tasks and set deadlines to keep the implementation on track.

  • Encourage Open Communication: Foster an environment where team members feel comfortable sharing their thoughts and feedback. Encourage questions and discussions about the new pricing strategy to address any concerns or uncertainties. This open communication helps identify potential issues early and promotes a collaborative approach to problem-solving.

  • Provide Training and Support: Offer training sessions to help your team understand the new pricing strategy and how it impacts their work. Provide resources and support to ensure they have the skills and knowledge needed to implement the changes effectively. This might include workshops, webinars, or one-on-one coaching sessions.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Why is competitor price monitoring tool important?

Competitor price tracking helps you stay competitive in the market, understand pricing trends, and make informed pricing decisions to attract and retain customers.

2. What are the best competitor price tracking tools can I use for price tracking?

The best price monitoring tool is Opinly AI. These automated price monitoring automates the process of tracking pricing changes, competitive price monitoring, offers real time daily price change notifications, analyze competitive pricing strategies and price tracking and monitoring, that provides comprehensive competitor price changes reports.

3. How often should I track competitor prices using a competitor price tracking software?

The frequency of price tracking using competitor monitoring tools depends on your industry and market dynamics. Common intervals with the help of competitive intelligence tools are done daily, weekly, or monthly, but you should choose a frequency that keeps you updated without overwhelming your resources, potentially using a price tracker.

4. How can eCommerce businesses benefit from tools for competitor price tracking?

eCommerce businesses can greatly benefit from competitor price monitoring software by gaining insights into their competitors' pricing strategies. These tools allow businesses to monitor price alerts, competitive price analysis, and price change notifications. By understanding how competitors price their products, eCommerce businesses can adjust their strategic pricing to remain competitive, attract more customers, and increase sales.

5. What role does pricing software play in price optimization for businesses?

Pricing software collects and analyzes vast amounts of data to identify patterns, trends, and anomalies. This includes historical sales data, competitor pricing, and customer behavior. By examining this data, the software can uncover product price insights that might be missed through manual analysis.