What is Price Skimming? A Comprehensive Definition

Learn all about price skimming, a strategy where a company sets a high initial price for a new product and gradually lowers it.

What is Price Skimming? A Comprehensive Definition
The concept of price skimming with a graph showing high initial prices.

Why do businesses choose different pricing strategies?

In the competitive world of business, pricing strategies play an important role in determining how products or services are priced and perceived in the market. One such strategy, known as price skimming, stands out for its unique approach to setting initial prices. Let’s explore what price skimming is all about and why businesses use it.

Businesses face various decisions when setting prices. These decisions aren’t just about covering costs; they influence how customers view products and services. Different strategies, like penetration pricing and value-based pricing, serve different purposes. Each strategy aims to attract customers and maximize profits in specific ways.

Definition of Price Skimming

Price skimming, also called skim pricing, is a strategy where a company starts by charging a high price when they first introduce a new product. As time goes on, they lower the price to attract customers who are more sensitive to prices.

This competitive advantage strategy works best when the company is the first to offer something new and faces little competition. However, it's not a good long-term plan because competitors usually enter the market with similar products, forcing the first company to adjust its prices.

The Reasoning Behind Price Skimming

Image of a businessman presenting a price skimming strategy on a whiteboard.

The reasoning behind price skimming work is it is straightforward: companies want to maximize profits early on by targeting customers who are willing to pay a higher price for a new product.

The product pricing strategy helps them recover their development or launch costs quickly. As demand stabilizes or competitors enter the market, prices are gradually lowered to attract more price-sensitive customers and maintain sales momentum.

Advantages of Price Skimming

Graph depicting the decline in price over time in a price skimming strategy.

a. Perceived quality

When a company uses price skimming, it can make customers believe that the product is very high-quality and special. This is because starting with a higher price gives the impression that the product is valuable and worth the money. Customers who are willing to pay more at the beginning often think they are getting something unique and superior.

This perception of quality can be very important for brands that want to be seen as leaders in their industry and offer products that stand out from others. So, price skimming not only helps a company earn more money but also helps build a strong image of quality and exclusivity in the minds of customers.

b. Cost recovery

When a company uses price skimming, it helps them recover the money they invested in creating the product more quickly. This is because starting with a higher price allows the company to earn more profit from each sale early on. This profit helps cover the costs of developing and making the product.

For example, if a company spends a lot of money on research, design, and production to create a new smartphone, they can set a high initial price when they first release it. Early buyers who really want the latest technology are willing to pay more, which means the company can earn back the money they spent on making the smartphone faster than if they started with a lower price. As more people buy the smartphone over time and production costs decrease, the company might lower the price to attract more customers.

c. High Profit

When a company uses price skimming, they can make a lot of money from each sale. This is because they start by setting a high price for their product or service. Customers who really want the new product and are willing to pay more will buy it at this higher price.

For example, imagine a company releases a new video game console. They set the price high at first because they know that gamers who are eager to have the latest technology will pay more to get it early. This allows the company to earn a big profit from each console they sell right away.

d. Benefits for suppliers

When companies use price skimming, it's not just the company selling the product that benefits. Suppliers and distributors also benefit because they can make more money from each sale. This is because the profit margin is the difference between the cost of making the product and the price it's sold for higher, especially when the product is expensive.

For example, imagine a company that makes luxury watches and decides to use price skimming. They set a high price for their new watch model when it first comes out. The suppliers who provide parts or materials for the watch can charge higher prices for their components because the company selling the watch is willing to pay more to make sure the watch is high-quality and looks expensive.

Disadvantages of Price Skimming

Visual representation of price skimming in the tech industry, highlighting initial high prices.

a. Deterrence

If a company can't convince customers that its high price is worth it, they may not buy the product.

b. Limitation of Sales Volume

Using price skimming can mean fewer sales if the high price keeps too many customers away. This could prevent the company from benefiting from lower costs that come with making lots of the product.

c. Inefficient Long-term Strategy

Price skimming isn't a good idea for the long haul because other companies will join the market research with their own similar products. This could lead to pressure on the original company to lower its prices.

d. Consumer Loyalty

If a product costs $1,000 when it first comes out, but then its price falls to $200 a few months later, people who like new things and buy them early may feel like they paid too much. This can make them less likely to buy from the company again if they think the company will keep using price skimming.

Examples of Price Skimming Strategy

Diagram showing how price skimming works with product launch and subsequent price drops.

1. Apple iPhone Launches

When Apple introduces a new iPhone, they usually set a high price at the beginning. This is because many people who love technology and always want the newest gadgets are willing to pay more right away. These are the first customers to buy the new iPhone.

As time goes on and newer iPhone models come out, or when other companies start making phones that are similar, Apple lowers the price. This makes the iPhone more affordable for more people who might not have bought it when it was brand new and expensive. So, starting with a high price helps Apple make a lot of money from the first group of buyers, and then lowering the price later on helps them sell iPhones to more people over time.

2. Sony PlayStation Consoles

When Sony releases a new PlayStation console, like the PS5, they begin by setting a higher price. This is because many gamers who really love playing games and want the newest technology are willing to pay more right away.

These are the first customers to buy the new PlayStation. As time goes on and more people buy the PS5, or when it becomes cheaper for Sony to make, they lower the price. This makes the PlayStation more affordable for more gamers who might not have bought it when it was brand new and expensive. Starting with a high price helps Sony make a lot of money from the first group of buyers, and then lowering the price later on helps them sell PlayStations to more people over time.

3. Luxury Fashion Brands

Luxury fashion brands such as Gucci or Louis Vuitton use price skimming for their new collections. When they release a new line of clothes or accessories, they start with high prices. This attracts rich customers who want exclusive and luxurious items that not everyone can afford. These customers are often willing to pay more because they value the brand's prestige and quality.

As time goes by and the season changes, or when the brand introduces new collections, the prices of these luxury items may come down. This makes them more affordable for a wider group of people who also want to enjoy luxury fashion but may not be able to pay the original high prices. So, by starting with high prices, luxury brands can make their collections feel special and desirable to wealthy customers, and then adjust prices to reach more customers as time goes on.

How Opinly AI Helps in Price Skimming

Illustration of a product with a price tag symbolizing high initial pricing in a price skimming strategy.

Opinly AI assists companies with price skimming by analyzing market data and customer behavior. Here’s how it works in simple terms:

  1. Market Analysis: Opinly AI studies how customers react to different prices. It helps companies understand which customers are willing to pay more for new products.
  2. Competitor Monitoring: Opinly AI keeps track of what other companies are doing. This helps companies decide the best initial price for their product comparison to stay competitive.
  3. Predictive Insights: Opinly AI predicts how sales might change over time as prices are adjusted. This helps companies plan when to lower prices to attract more customers.

By using Opinly AI, companies can make smarter decisions about pricing. They can start with higher prices to make more profit from early buyers, then adjust prices over time to reach a wider audience. This strategy helps companies maximize their sales and profits while staying competitive in the market.


In conclusion, price skimming can be a powerful strategy for companies launching new products. It allows them to capture the interest of early adopters who are willing to pay higher prices for exclusivity and innovation. However, while price skimming can lead to quick profits and help recover development costs, it's important to balance this with the risk of deterring customers with too high a price and facing competition that may enter the market later on.

By carefully using market insights and tools like Opinly AI, companies can navigate price skimming effectively. They can adjust prices over time to attract a broader range of customers while maintaining profitability. Ultimately, the success of price skimming hinges on understanding customer preferences, adapting to market dynamics, and maintaining a competitive edge in the long term.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is a price skimming strategy to work?

Price skimming is a strategy where a company sets a high initial price for a new product or service. This allows them to target customers who are eager to have the latest innovation or are willing to pay more for exclusivity. Over time, as demand from these early adopters decreases or competition increases, the company gradually lowers the price to attract more price-sensitive customers. This strategy helps the company maximize profits early on and recover development costs quickly.

2. Which companies use price skimming?

Price skimming is commonly used by companies in industries where innovation and early adoption are important, such as technology (like Apple with the iPhone), gaming (like Sony with PlayStation consoles), and luxury goods (like Gucci or Louis Vuitton with fashion items). These companies use price skimming to capitalize on the willingness of certain customers to pay higher prices for new and exclusive products.

3. What is the difference between price skimming and premium pricing?

Price skimming involves setting a high initial price for a new product and then gradually lowering it over time. It targets early adopters and aims to maximize profits before competition increases or demand stabilizes. On the other hand, premium pricing is a strategy where a company consistently sets high prices for products or services that are perceived as having superior quality, features, or brand reputation. Premium pricing does not necessarily involve lowering prices over time like price skimming does.

4. What is the opposite of price skimming?

The opposite of price skimming is penetration pricing. Penetration pricing involves setting a low initial price for a new product to quickly attract a large number of customers and gain market share. This strategy aims to stimulate demand early on and is often used when a company wants to enter a competitive market or target price-sensitive customers.

5. What is price skimming advantages and disadvantages?

Advantages of price skimming allows companies to earn high profits from early adopters, helps recover development costs quickly, builds a high-quality image and exclusivity, and increases profit margins for suppliers and distributors.

Disadvantages of price skimming may deter customers if the high price isn't perceived as justified, could limit sales volume if the high price keeps many customers away, faces competitive pressure in the long term as competitors may enter the market and lower prices, and early buyers may feel unhappy if prices drop significantly shortly after launch, potentially affecting brand loyalty.